La nostra newsletter si chiama Clementina.
È un progetto editoriale che vuole portare una voce aperta e leggera alla visione di famiglia e genitorialità.
È in italiano perchè ci piace guardarci attorno e cnfrontarci con la realtà in cui siamo cresciute.
In Clementina trovi articoli, attività creative, ricette e interviste.
Vogliamo raccontare la famiglia che ci piace
Our manifesto
We want a world of colorful faces, messy children, upside-down adults, and full backpacks.
We want to recognize the clouds, invent games, and grow among the differences to tell the adults of tomorrow.
Tomorrow starts now. Now that you're reading this!
Nature changes and mutates, whether we want it or it doesn't make its presence felt. We can pretend it isn't there, but when we least expect it, it makes itself felt. We decided to get to know her and have fun to find a balance to laugh and enjoy.
Do you know the food?
Do you like playing?
Do you see all the different colors we have around us?
You may ask yourself how to communicate what you believe. Worry about our future. And that of the little ones. Not knowing how to get in tune with whoever is in front of you.
You can feel close to the vision of the world and family that you feel within you and want to grow together.
We want to chat with you!
Mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, uncles, cousins, educator, brother, sister, you can be whatever you want and get involved with curiosity and openness.
We feel part of a multicultural Italy which recognizes all families and all children.
In which the couple is listened to and helped in their heterogeneous and unique compositions.
And then off we went, running across the meadows, cutting out colored cards, talking about uncomfortable topics, cooking together to discover ourselves and what is close to us.